New Visitor
Where is First Presbyterian located?
We are located at 430 S. Carancahua St., on the bluff in downtown Corpus Christi, overlooking the bay.

Where do I go when I arrive?
Park in the large parking lot on the south side of the church marked with our First Presbyterian Church sign. You may enter at the main entrance facing the parking lot, or you may walk around to the front on S. Upper Broadway (facing the bay). There is a ramp in the front on the S. Upper Broadway side that is handicap accessible. Security is provided.
Campus Map

Finding your way around.
A new place can be intimidating, so there are greeters at each door to help you. We want to insure your visit is a comfortable one.
What should I wear?
Wear what makes you comfortable. People in our congregation wear anything from jeans, shorts, and t-shirts to suits and dresses. Dress up or dress down, just come.
Is there something for children?
Our children and youth ministry team provides Bible study lessons, learning projects, music, art, and theater in creative and relevant ways to nurture and grow their faith.
For infants and toddlers, we provide a professionally-staffed nursery (see campus map).
Our Children and Youth Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
The Youth Group (grades 6-12) meets at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays evenings for food, fellowship, study, games, and prayer.
What is there for adults?
On Sunday morning at 9:30a.m. we offer an Adult Sunday School class in the chapel and living room. We also have Weekly Gatherings that meet at various times during the week, along with Circle Groups, and events held by the First Presbyterian Women.
What time is the worship service?
The Worship Service begins on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and ends at 12 noon.
Can I bring my children into worship with me?
Of course! We believe it’s important for children and parents to worship together. During the 11:00 a.m. worship service, we have a children’s message that the children are welcome to join the pastor for at the front of the sanctuary when he calls them up.
What “brand” of Presbyterians are you?
First Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, a denomination dedicated to equipping congregations to help make flourishing disciples of Jesus. Click here for more information about ECO.