Mission Partners

We are committed to the centrality of the Cross, the truth of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit and the global scope of the Great Commission. Read our Statement of Faith.

First Presbyterian Church donates to the branch/team in Dominican Republic

The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life® discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. Since its founding in 1933, The Navigators has upheld the mission “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same®.”
The Navigators is focused on developing disciples person-by-person-by-person and encouraging spiritual growth across life stages. A disciple is someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, intentionally learns from Him, and strives to live more like Him. Discipleship means intentionally helping people learn from and live more like Christ by praying with them, spending time together in His Word, walking alongside them in everyday life, and equipping them to do the same with others. God is transforming lives through these spiritual generations.
To share the gospel and disciple all people in all places, The Navigators includes a wide variety of ministries and a broad family of missionaries, supporters, and volunteers. The Navigators reaches and disciples people in need of the gospel where they work, live, worship, and play: on college campuses and military bases, in inner cities, workplaces, churches, and local communities, and in hard to reach places.
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”