FPC Men’s Group

The church exists to make flourishing disciples of Jesus Christ, who know God’s Word and live it out. We are to love the Lord but also love one another; a rather difficult mission to do alone. People desire and need community, and for men there is no exception. This group’s aim would be to bring together men of our church as well as inviting men from our communities (family, friends or strangers) to foster communion with one another, invest in meaningful connections and building up of relationships as we live life with one another.
This ministry’s purpose is to not only study the Word together, but actively live out what we learn: be it through trips, activities and outings, studies, retreats, small and large group settings, the possibilities are endless! Ideas are being brought like having breakfasts together, go shooting at a range or even fishing!
Regardless of any said activity, the purpose remains the same: intentional connection and community.
If you are interested, please send us your info using the contact form below or contact Ryan Barbato directly at ryanbarbato@hotmail.com or call/text 361-728-7924.